Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

Permanent exhibition
All museums resemble one another a little. It often happens they represent a collection of things united by this or that principle and displayed in glass cases. This is not relevant to our museum. It is different. It is interactive. It is hard to determine what it resembles more – a museum or an entertainment park.
The information which the exposition is meant to communicate to its visitors is presented in different ways. It has volume. It envelopes people penetrating into their consciousness, it influences almost all senses. This became possible thanks to the use of modern computer and audiovisual technologies. The architectural constructions are designed to complete the exposition and to intensify the involvement of a visitor into the atmosphere of an excursion, they create the sense of immersion into the past.
museum centers
Museum online
“It was crucial for us to organize not just a repository of knowledge about bygone days, but an ever-evolving cultural center…”